
Most labs optimize their research to study a single sensory modality, and this has facilitated a broad understanding of both visual and auditory processing within the brain. But in the natural world, brains are faced with a mixture of sensory cues from multiple modalities. How are these diverse streams of information combined? Previous studies have shown that brains use correlations in space and time between different sensory cues to optimise this process. This is important for healthy brain function: schizophrenia, autism spectrum disorder, and aging are all associated with deficits in multisensory integration. This is particularly prominent for audiovisual integration—combining auditory and visual signals—perhaps because of its role in social communication. For example, facemasks hinder conversation because you cannot combine lip movements with speech. However, it remains largely unclear how and where visual and auditory information are combined in the brain. This fundamental question drives research in the Coen Lab. Some of the techniques we use to answer these questions are described in more detail below.

Immersive audiovisual behaviour

We will use custom-built audiovisual chambers for electrophysiology recordings and optogenetic manipulations in head-fixed mice while they perform audiovisual tasks. These chambers, designed in collaboration with Max Hunter, include 27 speakers placed behind acoustically transparent fabric. This enables delivery of colocalized visual and auditory cues throughout space.

Chronic electrophysiology

We are using a state-of-the-art electrophysiology tool: 4-shank Neuropixels 2.0 probes. These probes can traverse many brain regions and are exquisitely suited to chronic implantation. We have developed a lightweight, flexible, and stable recoverable implant. This allows us to track neurons across weeks, and recover and reimplanted probes without any reduction in recording quality. The implant is 3D-printed and editable files will be available upon publication. If you would like access to the files now, please email Pip. [Figures from Bimbard et aleLife]

Optogenetic manipulation

Neural recordings can identify and characterize audiovisual signals, but to determine which regions, or pathways, are necessary for behaviour requires causal manipulations. We use a variety of optogenetic techniques to achieve this, including both transcranial and cannula-mediated perturbations of cortical and subcortical brain regions. [Figures from Coen & Sit et al–Neuron]